TRTL Travel Pillow

Has anyone tried the TRTL travel pillow? Do you like it and is it worth it? What other options have you tried?

I like it. It’s lightweight, squishes easily into my backpack, and is more comfortable than a neck pillow. That said, I’m not sure I’d pay a lot ($40) for it. I got mine for free from my mother.

Micah said:
I like it. It’s lightweight, squishes easily into my backpack, and is more comfortable than a neck pillow. That said, I’m not sure I’d pay a lot ($40) for it. I got mine for free from my mother.

They’re 65 for the basic, 98 for the plus. I paid 95 for mine which was the original a while back.

I tried TRTL. I didn’t like it at all. But many love it. So, it’s worth a shot. I’m a guy, 6’1 230 if that helps. I have tried a good dozen different pillows. And have fallen in love with the sleeperhold. It works the best for me. I get 6-9 hours of sleep on Seattle to Taiwan flight.

I also tried TRTL and didn’t love it. I haven’t heard of sleeperhold, but my friend let me borrow her Cabeau neck pillow on a girls trip last weekend and I’m hoping its on sale for Amazon’s upcoming spring sale!

Interesting. I’ll have to try that one.

I like mine better than other travel pillows. The main thing I don’t like about it is I cannot wear my headphones with it. I don’t do earbuds, mine are noise cancelling, over the ear style, and just can’t wear them while using the TRTL. I have thought about trying a different style pillow I keep seeing advertised (can’t think of the name right now), because while I do like my TRTL I can’t say that I love it.

This is literally my only note. It’s otherwise great but if you use over the ear headphones it’s not (easily) compatible.

Yeah, I’ve had a TRTL for a while but never used it. Flew internationally last week and wore it for part of my flight with success. Then wore it on a three-hour bus trip. That was even better. There are tags to indicate where to place it on jaw and neck and for the most part followed their directions with a little adjustment. My biggest issue is having my chin drop, but also want to keep my mouth from gaping. I could fix both those issues with the TRTL, so I’m happy with the product and will use it for future travel and long car rides.

I have it and really want to like it. The thing I struggle with is if I want to change positions, I have to wake up, remove the TRTL and reposition it on the other side of my neck. It is comfortable up until then though.

I have advanced spondylosis in my neck, and the TRTL is the only neck support I’ll use now. Worth it, for me.

I have the basic version. On a flight without it, I don’t get any sleep at all. With the TRTL, I was able to sleep 5-7 hours, occasionally being woken up by meal time/noise/turbulence. It’s not comfortable because there’s a stiff inner frame you lean your neck on, but it does get me sleep. Worth it for me.

Paired with my hoodie, a TRTL made sleep on a 16-hour flight a bit more comfortable. I like the smaller packing profile and that you can remove and wash the cover.

I’ve had mine for over 5 years and feel like I get the best rest with it than any other travel pillow thing I’ve tried.

A few cons I’ve found:

  • I’m a side sleeper usually, so I feel like this was built for us. However, just like being horizontal, it basically blocks the ear on the side it’s on. I’ve struggled to wear earbuds and feel like over the ear phones would be really difficult.

  • It’s made with a felt cover which is generally fine if the area temp is cool, but now I’m menopausal with my own personal summers. I’ve looked for ones made of Jersey material or similar with no luck. I’m considering reverse engineering my old one.

  • I usually toss/turn a few times in bed before going to sleep and do so when sitting up. To change sides, you have to remove the whole setup and rewrap it on the other side.

Possibly less common considerations:

  • With respiratory illness being up, I wore an N95 respirator while traveling. It was fine and maintained a seemingly good seal while using the TRTL.

  • I also used my sleep mask with a headphone band which is a bit oversized and shifted out of place some, but it still kept things dark and I could hear.

I hope that helps!

I got the TRTL with the cool cover. It doesn’t make me feel overheated. Menopausal woman here too.

Andi said:
I got the TRTL with the cool cover. It doesn’t make me feel overheated. Menopausal woman here too.

Thank you so much. It’s been a minute since I’ve looked, so I’m excited to see this is available. Ordering now. Menopausal network FTW!

I love mine.

Undecided. Tried it on a 10 hour flight and liked it. And then tried it again months later on another 9 hour flight and couldn’t get it in a very helpful position. Might just need to keep toying with it because I’m not sure there is any better option on the market.

I signed up as a subscriber to get some discount off it and love it for that price! If you aren’t traveling soon then I’d wait till the Black Friday sale. It is definitely good to avoid bobbing your head in flights or even car rides. I’m smaller 5’2 and have the kids size (so saved money by that too lol)

I have two of them (they were gifts) and I use it when I fly. I have some how managed to use it with my Bose noise canceling headphones (not easy to do). It is okay. I wouldn’t say it is the best or the worst. I have a memory foam travel pillow too. Again, I haven’t really found the best travel pillow yet.