What’s your most common family disagreement during long trips?

How are you…

I’m really curious – what’s the one thing your family always ends up disagreeing about during long trips?
For us, it’s always the time we say we’re leaving versus when we actually get out the door. :sweat_smile: It’s basically become a running joke, but we’re having a “friendly” family debate about it right now and could use some backup! :expressionless:
Would love to hear what your common travel squabbles are!

Best wishes…

Disagreements may arise while deciding which path is better, particularly if there are several options for getting there. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Family members :neutral_face: may disagree on the best time and location for breaks; some may want to drive through while others may want to stop frequently.

Disagreements often arise when deciding where to eat or what snacks to bring, particularly when there are finicky eaters or dietary limitations. :worried:

It might be difficult to change the temperature in the automobile so that everyone is comfortable. :thinking:

Since everyone has different tastes, it might be difficult to decide what to watch or listen to.