I get super inflamed and gassy from flights; any tips to prevent this

Ever since summer, I’ve been really bloated since getting a CPAP machine. And I know it sounds gross, but it leads to some stinky moments.

I went to a day-long event for my kid recently and was worried about being gassy around other parents. I drank coffee to ensure bathroom trips in the morning. I took two Gas-X pills around 10 am and made sure to move around a lot. Luckily it was in a big gym with a track above. Movement helped a lot—I even ate a chili dog for lunch and was fine.

Maybe plan to reach the airport early and walk around a bit to get movement in. You can stretch your legs more without drawing attention. While waiting to board, take those two Gas-X pills.

Are you allowed to take Alka-Seltzer on the plane? If you start feeling bloated while in the air, having a regular Alka-Seltzer in water can help. They promote it as heartburn relief, but it’s good for bloating too. Pack some in checked luggage for after the flight.

Um, have you thought about seeing a doctor?