Ever since summer, I’ve been really bloated since getting a CPAP machine. And I know it sounds gross, but it leads to some stinky moments.
I went to a day-long event for my kid recently and was worried about being gassy around other parents. I drank coffee to ensure bathroom trips in the morning. I took two Gas-X pills around 10 am and made sure to move around a lot. Luckily it was in a big gym with a track above. Movement helped a lot—I even ate a chili dog for lunch and was fine.
Maybe plan to reach the airport early and walk around a bit to get movement in. You can stretch your legs more without drawing attention. While waiting to board, take those two Gas-X pills.
Are you allowed to take Alka-Seltzer on the plane? If you start feeling bloated while in the air, having a regular Alka-Seltzer in water can help. They promote it as heartburn relief, but it’s good for bloating too. Pack some in checked luggage for after the flight.