I get super inflamed and gassy from flights; any tips to prevent this

Activated charcoal is a great option.

Take an oregano oil capsule twice a day for three days before your flight.

Simethicone has worked really well for me. I got it years ago after food poisoning before an international flight from Thailand.

Drink detox tea like fennel tea before your flight. Eating a kiwi each day for three days before might also help. If your body isn’t used to those, you might need some bathroom time! I’ve also taken Imodium in emergencies, and it’s often been a lifesaver for gas and bloating (though I don’t do that regularly). If you go with activated charcoal, try it a few days ahead to see how your body reacts.

No matter how long the flight, my ears always pop, and I’m half-deaf for 1-3 days after flying. I also get ringing in my ears and headaches. Nothing helps—headphones, earplugs, chewing gum, eating, ibuprofen—you name it. It’s brutal. Has anyone found a solution?

Avoid whole wheat bread or anything with rye, barley, or whole wheat too. Look into a FODMAP diet.

What are you eating?

Consider taking Prilosec and fiber, but make sure to ask your doctor first.

You can take over-the-counter Gas-X on the flight or right before boarding. I find the chewables work best. Avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks. Don’t overload on carbs.

Take Gas-X about 30 minutes before your flight.

Definitely avoid dried prunes! They can make things worse.

I eat very lightly the day before flying, and that helps a lot. On the day of the flight, I eat a more normal amount.

Mint tea is amazing—pack a few teabags for hot or cold water. It’s a miracle worker.

There’s white noise on flights, so most people won’t hear you pass gas. Everyone does it, so just prepare and be courteous.

Or you could go the opposite route and really indulge in hummus before the flight. Maybe even nachos with beans. Own it.

I saw a doctor talk about this, and abdominal discomfort and gas are really common when flying. She suggested Pepto-Bismol before the flight to help prevent it, and taking it during the flight if needed.

Just drive.

Lots of comments on what to avoid eating or drinking—besides water, do you have any constructive suggestions?

For what it’s worth, I think gas results from changes in cabin pressure, which allows gas in your bloodstream to escape into your digestive tract. I don’t think that can be easily fixed, but maybe someone has insights I don’t.

I didn’t see this mentioned, but are you anxious when flying or experiencing anxiety during your trips?

Try taking Benadryl before you fly. If it helps, you might be having a histamine reaction.

Compression socks and a faja.