How to survive a Spirit flight?

I know to bring my own snacks and an empty water flask. Any other tips? I keep going back on forth on taking my laptop or not.

Fly Spirit Business Class. All of the flights, bare feet, and Taco Bell munching happens in steerage class.

Miller said:
Fly Spirit Business Class. All of the flights, bare feet, and Taco Bell munching happens in steerage class.

This right here. Pay for the big comfy seat and avoid the nonsense behind the curtain.

“Curtain”. That’s cute.

If you’re looking at how to survive a Spirit flight would you be better off on a different airline? Pay a few more dollars for a better departure time, a plane that leaves on time, two carry on bags, etc?

Get on, sit down, sit back, take a nap.

Honestly I prefer Spirit sometimes - they fly the weird nonstops that I’ve needed more than you’d think (small beach town in the south to other small beach town in the south, etc.) Bring your headphones and a chill attitude. People who fly Spirit tend to not fly often, so just… chill. People who get on and expect everyone to know what’s going on are going to be more frustrated than those who just go with the flow. I don’t recommend a layover Spirit flight. If it’s a short (2 hours ish?) flight I just read on my Kindle or put those noise-canceling headphones on and attempt to nap. There’s no power at the seats so I try not to use my phone if I need to Uber and might not be able to charge for a bit. You’ll be fine! Just have a sense of humor and don’t expect everything to move quickly.

Overhead compartment usage costs extra. Only a personal item that fits under the seat is included in the price. If the flight is longer than 2 hours, I would bring something to pad the seat.

Breathe and drink water. Ideally don’t have a heart attack.

My spouse works for Spirit.

Taking your laptop should not matter which airline you are on. If you need it, bring it. If not, leave it at home.

Get off whiny posts. Pay $5 for a Sprite if you want one. You’ll be fine.

They would rather pay 3 to 4 times more for a Delta or United flight and brag about the free snacks :joy:. People are hilarious.

Kingsley said:
They would rather pay 3 to 4 times more for a Delta or United flight and brag about the free snacks :joy:. People are hilarious.

You clearly don’t travel if you believe this is the price difference.

I travel monthly. Almost exclusively Spirit. Delta prices range from 2, 3 and sometimes 4 times the price from west coast to east coast. So, I’m going to assume that YOU don’t travel much and/or don’t pay attention to pricing.

Well I suspect at least 50% of weekday flyers aren’t paying for their tickets. Convince followed by timeliness are more important factors along with status benefits.

I only fly 3-4 times a year but you couldn’t pay me to fly Spirit.

Get the comfy fare and enjoy the empty middle seat.

OAK - LAS is still $200 cheaper than Southwest in Comfy.

I’ll be that guy that says don’t do it. :joy:

Enroll at your nearest Brazilian Jiu Jitsu gym this week. Good luck o7.

Be as savage as those around you. When in Rome. Or fly in major carriers to be civilized like Emirates, Singapore, etc.

I always bring my laptop on flights except when I bring my table instead.