Beef is allowed into the US from Mexico. Not sure about Canada though
That’s why they have sniffer dogs going through luggage on flights from South Africa. Tons of biltong gets confiscated
Just avoid any meat or fresh fruit. Period
Meat is usually a bad idea to carry over borders.
Security may not be a concern, but customs usually will check
They smell terrible, please don’t bring them for everyone else’s sake
Joss said:
They smell terrible, please don’t bring them for everyone else’s sake
I know, right? That’s why I go with tuna
Joss said:
They smell terrible, please don’t bring them for everyone else’s sake
I know, right? That’s why I go with tuna
Tuna is gross and bad for dolphins. Get something more friendly like lutefisk or surströmming
I like to eat a plate of spaghetti before the flight, then throw it back up during the flight and eat it again
You will need to go through US Customs even with a connection. Meat generally can’t be brought into the US. But a USDA inspector told me that dried beef (like jerky) from the US, with a USDA seal and unopened, can come back into the country (but once opened it can’t be brought back). Just remember to declare it and let it be inspected
I don’t think it should be an issue if you’re carrying them with you. If it’s in checked luggage, they could be taken if border control is worried about cattle diseases, but the risk is low
Yes, I travel with beef jerky and beef sticks regularly, along with trail bars. Security doesn’t mind. Go ahead and bring them
Your results may vary. I’ve never had problems, but I’ve only done this between the US and Europe
It’s questionable, but you should try to keep the original packaging. They can ask about meat products
I always take them, no issues