I’m on the shorter side and have little legs. I usually use my underseat bag as a footrest to reduce pressure on the backs of my legs. I found those hammock style foot rests advertised and would love to hear if anyone has actually used them.
I liked mine a lot but felt a bit self conscious that it would tug on the seat in front of me whenever I moved. I got two kinds on Amazon, and liked the one with the flat solid footrest better.
Nico said:
I liked mine a lot but felt a bit self conscious that it would tug on the seat in front of me whenever I moved. I got two kinds on Amazon, and liked the one with the flat solid footrest better.
Yeah, I can see how that might be uncomfortable for your seat neighbor.
Nico said:
I liked mine a lot but felt a bit self conscious that it would tug on the seat in front of me whenever I moved. I got two kinds on Amazon, and liked the one with the flat solid footrest better.
That’s what I thought when I saw them. If the person in front doesn’t like you pulling up on their seat, they might really not appreciate you pulling it back with the weight of your legs!
Some airlines don’t allow them.
esleystanley said:
Some airlines don’t allow them.
Oh really?
I like to pack light too, so that could be an issue if I don’t check that first.
esleystanley said:
Some airlines don’t allow them.
Oh really?
I like to pack light too, so that could be an issue if I don’t check that first.
Here’s a link about some airlines banning foot hammocks: Here's Why You Should Avoid Using A Foot Hammock On Your Next Flight
This article mentions United as one that has banned them, but I used one on United recently both ways and didn’t have any issues.
I had one, but I liked using my bag as a footrest more.
I’m 5 feet tall and bought a sling and inflatable pillow combo that I really like for longer flights. I like the pillow better than the sling, but I’m bringing both on a six-hour flight next month.
Rio said:
I’m 5 feet tall and bought a sling and inflatable pillow combo that I really like for longer flights. I like the pillow better than the sling, but I’m bringing both on a six-hour flight next month.
I’m guessing you have a window seat. Otherwise, you’re blocking your seatmates from getting in and out.
I’m 5 feet and it goes with me on every flight that’s more than a couple of hours. It really helps my legs and back feel comfortable. I just wait to hook it onto the tray once we’re in the air, and no one has ever said anything. It doesn’t bother the chair in front of me any more than using the tray table does.
Same here! I’m 5 feet and love mine too. I feel it doesn’t move the seat much and doesn’t seem to stress the tray table as long as it’s out of the way. I do get a bit worried about someone saying something, so I got an inflatable footrest as an alternative. But, honestly, it takes up more space to pack and I’ve never actually used it on a flight. The tray table strap is much smaller and less noticeable.
I tried mine last summer and actually hated it. The hammock made my feet crunch together at odd angles. I could get behind it if the footrest was flat and rigid though.
I got one when I traveled across North America while 7 months pregnant. I thought it would help with circulation on the long flight, but it ended up being more trouble than it was worth. I didn’t really use it. It’s in my buy nothing bin now.
Haven’t used one, but we take inflatable foot rests on long flights if we can get bulkhead seats. They’re great, but you have to carry them around during your trip. If you’re traveling with someone who has circulation issues and needs more than compression socks, then sling or inflatable foot rests could be helpful.
I have one and it works well. I try to be careful and not do anything sudden that might bother the seat in front since it attaches to their seat.
I got mine from Temu and it works great. I just think I’m too tall to use it comfortably. I’m 5’6" with long legs.
Save your money. It’s pointless.
I’m curious about them, but I would imagine a strict flight attendant telling me I couldn’t use it.