Is your job overseas? If you can drive instead of flying, consider that option. If the drive is lengthy, start now rather than waiting for your flight. You can rent a car and incur an extra fee for returning it to a different location, but it’s worth it to avoid damaging your eardrum.
I flew with a completely blocked ear two years ago, and it wasn’t more painful for me. My sister recommended the Wax RX system, which worked wonders at flushing out my ear.
I was deaf for a couple of hours after landing and felt like my ear was bleeding when the altitude changed. On the return flight, I took an antihistamine, and it was painless.
Consider getting some Earplanes.
If it’s painful now, it’ll be even worse during takeoff and landing! Don’t risk it. As a flight attendant who’s had issues with blocked ears, I advise against it.
You should buy these Macks Flightguard Earplugs. Plug them in before takeoff, and keep them in until you land. It may hurt, but it should be manageable. If you remove them during the flight, you’ll experience intense pain.
I wouldn’t recommend flying. I did so once while simply having a cold, and it damaged my eardrum. It was excruciating (and I have given birth).
Recovery of hearing can take months. It’s not safe.