Why Can't I Get Tickets for Anne Frank House on October 12th?

Hallo people…

I’m going to Amsterdam the weekend of October 12th, and I’ve been trying to get tickets for the Anne Frank House tour on Saturday, but the site won’t let me buy any. Does anyone know why that might be? Am I doing something wrong or missing something? :smiley:

I need ur help…


Due to Yom Kippur, the Anne Frank House is closed on October 12. For that reason, tickets for that day are not available. :star_struck:

Sorry u cant travel during that time becoz its a memorable day but u can reschedule and travel later say in december :smiling_face_with_tear:

Could u opt for another destination while u stretch ur patience until season passes :heart_eyes:

What is captivating about anne frank house? :thinking:

Just querying is this a fashion house or a cultural event? interested to know