Honeymoon long-haul flights - upgrade or wait for mileage points?

We’re planning our honeymoon for November 2025, and since we’re already spending a lot on the wedding and hoping to buy a house next year, we want to find good flight options.

My father offered us his Mileage Program card from a certain airline; he’s a Senator member with many miles, which sounds great for potential upgrades.

However, it seems that upgrades for our travel dates are mostly booked or unavailable due to high demand for our destination. We would need to book standard economy, which I usually don’t mind, but since we have a 14-hour flight ahead (the same route I found difficult last year), I’m worried about comfort.

Premium economy costs about $1.2k more each, which feels like a lot considering we have many expenses right now — but then again, it’s our honeymoon and probably our last chance for such a trip.

In either case, we’d have to check the airline’s site daily in hopes of snagging available upgrades.

Have you had experience with mileage upgrades? Do they open up later? Would you spend $2.5k more for comfort in our situation?

In my experience over the last few years with numerous flights, most of them are full or nearly full, which makes upgrades less likely. If you want specific seats, buying them outright is the most straightforward way to secure them.

I’m 6’5”, so I usually pay for extra legroom, especially for a 14-hour flight.

Is this a recent trend? My father has been a frequent traveler for years, and he mentioned not having these issues until he retired about a decade ago. My sister also had no problems using his mileage card for her honeymoon in 2018.
Is this a post-pandemic phenomenon?

Yes, airlines have become stingier with free upgrades post-pandemic. They reduced the number of flights to ensure planes are full, as they try to make back their losses from the travel hiatus. I now always pay for upgrades; I can’t take the risk of being cramped in basic economy on long flights if the plane is full.

Over the last decade, it seems like there are fewer flights, and airlines make a real effort to fill planes. :man_shrugging: Upgrades have become more of a gamble.

You need to determine if a better seat is a luxury or a necessity. Given your high-season trip to a popular destination, what are the odds of those seats being available at the gate? Could it sour your honeymoon if your upgrade doesn’t materialize and you’re stuck in basic economy?

Maybe monitor the current availability for your desired flight and seating options?

International upgrades can be pricey, and airlines are aware of the points game and limit seats available for points.

Check out r/awardtravel; they have helpful resources.

Haru said:
International upgrades can be pricey, and airlines are aware of the points game and limit seats available for points.

Check out r/awardtravel; they have helpful resources.

Thanks! I’ll definitely check out that subreddit; I wasn’t aware it existed :slight_smile:

If you’re comfortable with the idea, consider upgrading and mention it in your gift registry for cash contributions.

The situation has changed since COVID; everyone is eager to travel again. The only sure way to get an upgrade now is on the day of travel, using cash, miles, or both. Keep in mind that your father has the status, not you.
You also need to book directly with the airline to ensure you get the perks (and share the same last name for recognition). Sometimes airlines also auction off seats. But honestly, buying premium economy would give you the best comfort for the price.

If you’re seeking better cabin comfort, just purchase the upgrade.

Flights are extremely busy right now, so virtually all flights are full. It doesn’t matter when or where you’re traveling.
Even top-tier loyalty members struggle to get upgrades, and they are prioritized above everyone else as the top 1% of travelers.