Just like the title says! I have taken my fair share of long-haul flights over the years but recently I’ve developed this issue where my legs will go numb, it’s become so uncomfortable that I can’t sleep. I’ve tried to elevate my legs more to alleviate this but it’s pretty tough in economy. I am 5’3 and usually rest my feet on my personal item under the seat but that doesn’t seem to help enough.
I have an 8-hour redeye coming up and I’m looking for ways to prevent this. I’ve seen those foot hammocks but I’m worried I would bother the person sitting in front of me.
I second this. Get proper ones too, not cheapy ones in the dollar store.
Have a brand you prefer?
I have a friend who works in a hospital and she got me some surgical stockings. Cute they’re not but they absolutely work. I’ve bought a variety of commercially available ones from low-mid price ranges and they didn’t work.
Just a heads up that those foot hammocks are against a lot of airlines’ regulations (nothing can attach to the seat in any way or similar) and a lot of flight attendants won’t allow you to use them. Found that out after purchase and was fairly annoyed.
I’ve used flight hammocks on every flight I’ve taken in the past 5 years and I’ve never been told to remove it. I wait until we are at altitude. I’m 5’0 and this is the only thing that helps. I also use compression socks and take off my shoes.
Same…5’3…the seat seems to hit on a sweet spot on the hamstring…when it burns, I use Voltaren pain cream – get up when you can…do lots of ankle movements.
Compression socks helped me a lot on long flights. I find the Wellow brand to be comfortable. I’m 5’1. Also heel/toe raises/rocking, and bending my knees, standing and walking a bit when I can in the cabin.
Same height, same issue - I haven’t found a proper solution yet (but I did just buy a small inflatable cushion I’m hoping will help to prop my feet up - flight isn’t until June so I can’t say how effective it will be yet), but what I’ve done in the past is try to do leg exercises regularly (since I can only sleep in small bits). Rotate my ankles, lift my legs as high as I can without kicking the seat in front of me, bending my leg up to my chin and rotating my ankle when it’s there… But I’m also following this thread for any other advice.