Can I Use My US Passport Card for a Domestic Flight in Canada?

Hallo how do u do…

I know my US passport card says “no international travel,” but does that count if I’m flying within Canada? Like, is a domestic flight in Canada still considered international? Has anyone ever used their US passport card for a flight in Canada? :sunglasses:
Would really appreciate any advice or experiences!

In anticipation…

No, you are unable to book a domestic flight within Canada using your US Passport Card. :unamused:

Sorry the US book is suitable for travel by land and water between the United States and Bermuda, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Canada :grimacing:

You will require a legitimate form of identification provided by the Canadian government, such as a driver’s license or a Canadian passport, for domestic flights inside Canada. :face_exhaling:

Howdy i dont think u can or possibly use that card to travel just look out for another option :blush:

Aint possible shop for another option :astonished: